Writing the Foreword to an upcoming Book on Women in the Rum Industry

I am deeply honoured to write the Foreword to a book about women rum distillers, which is set to be released at the end of this year or early next year.  I’ve finished the draft and sent it to my colleague and his partner in Amsterdam.

You will find plenty of books about whisky/whiskey in the marketplace, but finding books focused on rum are comparatively few and far between. The ones I did managed to find included: how to drink rum, classic rums, new-generation rums, rhum agricole, premium aged rums, international rums and rum cocktails, but never has there been a book published on women rum distillers, until now!   Watch this space for further details.

#womenleadingrum #masterblender #womenleaders #womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #womenempowerwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womenofimpact #inspirationalwomen #rum #rhum #rumlover #rumlove #rumlife #rumstyle #rumwomen #womeninspirits #womensupportingwomen #mondaymotivation #book #rumbook #booklaunch #monday #mondayvibes 

Wine Book Signing: Liz Palmer’s The Ultimate Guide To Champagne with BCCTC, BCBC and CNBPA – Toronto

img_0105-5 img_0098-2On November 15, 2016, I had an exceptional book signing at PJ O’Brien’s Pub – 9 Colborne St, Toronto.

The event was hosted by:

The British Canadian Chamber of Trade and Commerce [BCCTC];
Belgian Canadian Business Chamber [BCBC]; and
 Canadian Netherlands Business and Professional Association Inc. [CNBPA]

I’m very happy to say event was sold out!

I was elated and happy to see old friends and meet new BCCTC, BCBC and CNBPA members. In attendance were my dear friends Milo Vassallo, former Consulate General of Malta, Christian Frayssignes President of EUCCAN and VP of Belgian Canada Business Chamber, and Idalia Obregon, Executive Director of BCCTC.

The Quote of the night was The Ultimate Guide To Champagne is “The Champagne Bible for ALL wine lovers!”

Champagne Lover’s Book Signing in New York – Liz Palmer’s The Ultimate Guide To Champagne Winds Up Successful Champagne Week

I was thrilled to be in New York to not only officially launch my book in the United States but to finally meet in person Ms Blaine Ashley.  The launch and signing took place:

Sunday, November 13th
3 pm- 6 pm
@ Amor y Amargo
443 E 6th St, New York, NY 10009


In attendance was New York wine media and other industry people. Blaine’s own champagne label Champagne Bulle de Reve was also served.







“The Ultimate Guide To Champagne” Launch at Le Dokhan’s, Paris

14632893_1231555573576023_1853317179271174336_n-2“The Ultimate Guide To Champagne” was revealed and launched to a select group of industry people in Paris last week.

The event was held at Le Dokhan’s, Paris – which is Parisian Institution. This classic 18th century hotel features an elevator which is upholstered in vintage canvas from Louis Vuitton trunks; the Salon Cheminée, was a wonderful gathering space and was adorned with original engravings by Picasso and Matisse. How could it be so perfect!  Moving over to the Champagne Bar, it should be noted that, Bar Le Dokhan’s was the first Champagne bar in Paris to serve Champagne exclusively (this was mentioned in “The Ultimate Guide To Champagne”. With an extensive champagne list, Bar Le Dokhan’s currently offers 200 varieties of premium Champagne.

In attendance at the launch was Fabrice Martin, General Manager of Le Dokhan’s Hotel, Nicolas Manfredini, Co-fondateur Hachetag Agency, Paris and Matthias Breton, Head Sommelier.  They highly praised how beautiful the book looked and the extensive knowledge inside. Thumbing through chapters, sipping grower champagne, Liz Palmer gave a brief history of how the book came about and the chapter outlines.



About the book:

There is much more to champagne than the drink – Champagne is named after the region where it is grown, fermented and bottled.  This essential guide takes you to this region, explores its culture and honours its history.

Unlike any other book about Champagne, The Ultimate Guide To Champagne is the most comprehensive and visually stunning guide you’ll ever come across – in these pages you’ll discover:

Over 220 Engaging Photos, Maps, Detailed Charts, and Historical Anecdotes

How to Explore the Region

Grape Varieties and Styles

Grand Marques / Growers and Cooperatives, The Annual Viticulture Cycle, Harvest and Production, Champagne and Food Pairing Guides

How to Cook with Champagne

Recipes from Champagne Families

How to Taste and Identify Flavors

How to describe and Rate Champagne

How to Shop, Store and Serve

Champagne Etiquette & Style

Tips for Weddings

International Champagne Bars

The Economics of Champagne

Health Benefits

Science Facts

Extensive Glossaries

and much more…

The Ultimate Guide To Champagne is highly recommended for everyone, from beginners to experts.  It’s a remarkable point of reference into which any wine lover or professional can dip in and browse.

The Champagne Bible for ALL wine lovers.

So pop open your favorite Champagne, pour yourself a glass, and start reading The Ultimate Guide To Champagne!


One of North America’s leading experts on Champagne, Liz Palmer wrote The Ultimate Guide To Champagne with a strong personal passion for Champagne and the region.

Amazon Books  : https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Guide-Champagne-Liz-Palmer/dp/0991894634